Friday, 16 July 2010

First World War - Causes

I am currently researching the different causes that have been considered as important in the build up to the First World War. So far I have looked at:

The unification of Germany
- Prussia and the Junkers
- Bismarck's early objectives

The problems in the Balkans

- Conflicting interests of Russia and Austria-Hungary
- Bismarck's attempts to reconcile Russia and Austria-Hungary
- Impact of Russo-Turkish War

The formation of the Triple Alliance
- German alliance with Austria Hungary
- The second league of the three emperors
- Anglo-Italian agreement (first Mediterranean agreement)
- The second Mediterranean agreement

Bismarck's diplomatic policies and their results
- Short term European Disability
- Franco-Russian understanding
- Bismarck and Africa

The increase in German power
- Population
- Industrial expansion
- French response
- German-Austrian Bloc

Anglo-German economic and naval rivalry
- German naval expansion
- Britain's response
- Franco-Russia alliance

The Anglo-French entente and the formation of the Triple entente
- Combine French and British opposition to German expansion
- Russo-Japanese war
- German attempts to separate Britain and France
- Anglo-Russo understanding

The Triple Alliance vs. the Triple entente
- Continued naval threat
- Russian military recovery
-Austria-Hungary threats to draw Germany into war with Russia
- Continued attempts by Germany to separate England and France
- Conflicting interests of Austria-Hungary and Italy

German domestic problems
- Working Class discontent
- Threat of German civil war
- Continued German naval expansion and the ententes response

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